Baronial tenures
Prince John and Princess Gabriel
Awards Given During the Reign
- Ingerith Ryzka, Viscounty on 2 January 1993
- Aylwin Greymane, Viscounty on 2 January 1993
- Dafydd of the Glens, Rowan on 3 January 1993
- Maelgwyn ap Gwilym, Roman Lilies on 3 January 1993
- Gertrud von Ritzebüttel, Award of Arms on 4 January 1993
- Margaret Bellasys of Northumberland, Award of Arms on 4 January 1993
- Merewyn degli Fiore, Leaf of Merit on 30 January 1993
- Riccardo della Torre d'Avorio, Award of Arms on 30 January 1993
- Leonie de Grey, Silver Tear on 13 February 1993
- Ingerith Ryzka, Roman Lilies on 13 February 1993
- James Ericsson, Silver Tear on 13 February 1993
- Louisa Reynell, Award of Arms on 20 February 1993
- Morianna of Redhill, Award of Arms on 20 February 1993
- Isadora d'Este, Roman Lilies on 20 February 1993
- Karl Faustus von Aachen, Award of Arms on 20 February 1993
- Sigmund Spelmann, Silver Tear on 20 February 1993
- Francesca Cellini, Roman Lilies on 20 February 1993
- Reynar the True, Award of Arms on 13 March 1993
- Kaspar von Tirols, Award of Arms on 27 March 1993
- Darius La Zeal, Award of Arms on 27 March 1993
- Marguerite de Chemillé, Award of Arms on 27 March 1993
- Riona of Caerleon, Award of Arms on 11 April 1993
- Hrothgar aet Gytingbroce, Silver Tear on 11 April 1993
- Ianto van Diemen, Award of Arms on 24 April 1993
- Snorri Blódhdrekkr ór Ódhinslundi, Award of Arms on 24 April 1993
- Nicolette Dufay, Award of Arms on 24 April 1993
- Rudolf von der Drau, Award of Arms on 24 April 1993
- Hadassah bat Yisrael, Award of Arms on 1 May 1993
- Elsbeth Caerwent, Award of Arms on 1 May 1993
- Jane Harcourt of Wallyngford, Award of Arms on 1 May 1993
- Tegen Meanbh, Rose Leaf on 1 May 1993
- Sven the Stormdriven, Silver Tear on 1 May 1993
- Roland Löfhjälm, Silver Tear on 1 May 1993
- Murgatroyd MacCarrum, Rose Leaf on 1 May 1993
- Esteban de Villahermosa y Guzmán de Talavera de la Reina, Award of Arms on 1 May 1993
- William Cumyn, Award of Arms on 1 May 1993
- Jessica Wynter of Fearn Abbey, Princess' Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Gaufridus of Blackthorne, Award of Arms on 15 May 1993
- Glynhyvar of River Haven, Prince's Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Daemon Deorc, Princess' Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Acacia de Navarra, Princess' Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Cornelius von Becke, Prince's Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Daemon Deorc, Prince's Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Everard de Brieuse, Prince's Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Everard de Brieuse, Princess' Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Morwynna Branwynt, Princess' Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Gavin the Gruesome, Award of Arms on 15 May 1993
- Catherine Digbie of Sherborne, Leaf of Merit on 15 May 1993
- Robin the Ruthless in Battel, Prince's Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Dana of the Green, Prince's Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Magdelena Elisa dei Mori, Lochac Order of Grace on 15 May 1993
- Lucrezia Lorenz, Princess' Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Johanna Wendover, Princess' Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Johanna Wendover, Prince's Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Jacques du Bar sur le Loup, Prince's Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Isabeau of the Wylde Woode, Princess' Cypher on 15 May 1993
- Isabeau of the Wylde Woode, Prince's Cypher on 15 May 1993
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