Twelfth Night Coronet Investiture and Tourney
Awards Received at Twelfth Night Coronet Investiture and Tourney
- Ædward Stadefæste, Award of Arms on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Alasdair Blackhill, Award of Arms on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Arian of Shadowvale, Royal Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Ascelin d'Ypres, Royal Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Aveline de Roet, Princess' Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Averil Silverthorn, Lochac Order of Grace on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Aylwin Greymane, Viscounty on 2 January 1993 from Prince John and Princess Gabriel
- Caitlin de Fernon, Royal Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Charles of the Park, Royal Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Charles of the Park, Rose Leaf on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Daemon Deorc, Royal Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Dafydd of the Glens, Rowan on 3 January 1993 from Prince John and Princess Gabriel
- Eilis ni Roibeard O'Boirne, Silver Tear on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Finnian the Red, Award of Arms on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Francesca Cellini, Royal Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Gertrud von Ritzebüttel, Award of Arms on 4 January 1993 from Prince John and Princess Gabriel
- Hrolf Herjolfssen, Lochac Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Hrolf Herjolfssen, Prince's Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Iago Gallego, Royal Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Ingerith Ryzka, Viscounty on 2 January 1993 from Prince John and Princess Gabriel
- Isabeau of the Wylde Woode, Lochac Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Isabeau of the Wylde Woode, Royal Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Janeta of Lindisfarne, Royal Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Kane Greymane, Royal Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Kiriel du Papillon, Pelican on 2 January 1993 from King Rolf III and Queen Mari I (The West)
- Lucia de Carpazi, Award of Arms on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Mador de Mar, Princess' Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Maelgwn ap Cradog Garth Eryr, Award of Arms on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Maelgwyn ap Gwilym, Roman Lilies on 3 January 1993 from Prince John and Princess Gabriel
- Margaret Bellasys of Northumberland, Award of Arms on 4 January 1993 from Prince John and Princess Gabriel
- Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada, Royal Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Stephen of Irongate, Princess' Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Sven the Stormdriven, Lochac Cypher on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Valerian Zakharevitch Druzhinnik, Silver Tear on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Vashti Damascene, Roman Lilies on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Viviana de Castelloza, Rose Leaf on 2 January 1993 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
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