These are all the people whose names start with B who have ever received an award in Lochac, as far as the Canon database knows. Please notify the Canon Herald of any omissions or errors.
- Badric Anthony
- Bain de Saint Florian (former/alternate name of Bain of Stornoway)
- Bain of Stornoway
- Baldwin
- Baldwin Martel
- Baldwin the Wanderer
- Balian de Rhodes
- Baltazar Gaston Alvarado
- Balthasar von Kaltenburg
- Balthassar Vrass
- Balthazaar Karamak
- Balthazaar of Mordenvale (former/alternate name of Balthazaar Karamak)
- Ban The Untrained
- Banu of Attica
- Barbara of Rodhalh
- Barbara of the Borg (former/alternate name of Alycie of Stirling)
- Barbara of Wickham
- Bardolph Dragontower
- Barnaby Studwell
- Baron Mac Cooper
- Baroness Betty Cooper
- Baroness Briese
- Barrett of Muchelney
- Barry of Cloudy River (former/alternate name of Lachlan Ardra Barrie)
- Bart the Blaggard
- Bartholomew Baskin
- Bartholomew de Breuer
- Bartholomew Kidwelly
- Bartholomew Ratcliffe
- Bartoleme Yingo de Leon (former/alternate name of Bartolomé Yñigo de Leon)
- Bartolomé Yñigo de Leon
- Bartolomeo Giancristoforo Agazzari
- Bash Magnusson
- Basil Faulke
- Basil Suliman (former/alternate name of Basil Sulman)
- Basil Sulman
- Basileios Balsamon
- Bastian Dandelyon
- Bastian Duval
- Bastion der Grosser (former/alternate name of Bastion der Groß)
- Bastion der Groß
- Batista de Bardi
- Batty Herald (former/alternate name of Karl Faustus von Aachen)
- Baxton du Glonn (former/alternate name of John Bucstan de Glonn)
- Bazzel
- Bear of Southron Gaard (former/alternate name of Þórbjǫrn Bjarnylr of Southron Gaard)
- Beatrice Aethelsdottir of Jellling (former/alternate name of Beatrix Aðíslsdóttir y Jelling)
- Beatrice Bexley
- Beatrice Caterina Fontanella
- Beatrice de Santiago Compostella (former/alternate name of Beatriz de Compostella)
- Beatrice Delfini
- Beatrice Juanita of Santiago Compostella (former/alternate name of Beatriz de Compostella)
- Beatrice La Rossa (former/alternate name of Beatris la Serena)
- Beatrice Maria Malatesta
- Beatrice of Hamtunscir
- Beatrice of Hunter's Isle
- Beatrice of St Augustines
- Beatrice the Bewildered
- Beatriese de Compostella (former/alternate name of Beatriz de Compostella)
- Beatrijs van Doorn
- Beatris la Serena
- Beatrix Aðíslsdóttir y Jelling
- Beatrix Æthelsdottir of Jelling (former/alternate name of Beatrix Aðíslsdóttir y Jelling)
- Beatrix Aetholsdottir of Jelling (former/alternate name of Beatrix Aðíslsdóttir y Jelling)
- Beatrix Buckland
- Beatriz de Compostella
- Beatriz de Santiago (former/alternate name of Beatriz de Compostella)
- Beatriz of Caid (former/alternate name of Beatriz de Compostella)
- Beauregarde Ottignon
- Bechtold Vollarc
- Bede
- Belissario Lascaris
- Bella Donna de Poisson
- Bella Lucia da Verona
- Bella Romana Valori
- Bella Rose of Okewaite (former/alternate name of Isabella Rose Gardiner)
- Bella Vicina da Cappa
- Belladonna Demarco
- Ben of Bordescros
- Ben of Ildhafn
- Ben of Stormhold
- Ben Raymondsen
- Ben Svensson (former/alternate name of Ben of Stormhold)
- Ben the Younger
- Benedetta de Spenser
- Benedick von Greifswald (former/alternate name of Benedict von Griffswald)
- Benedict Castille
- Benedict of York (former/alternate name of Benedict Yorke)
- Benedict Ravenscroft
- Benedict Stonhewer of Askerigg
- Benedict von Griffswald
- Benedict Yorke
- Benedicta Vernon
- Beni Silkiskeggi
- Benjamin Edick Tehn
- Benjamin the Undecided (former/alternate name of Otto Sex Burger)
- Béoán Freborn
- Beornoth of Filey
- Berengaria of Pamplona
- Berenger of Nancy
- Bermund Wandelber
- Bernard of Darchester (former/alternate name of Bernard Stirling)
- Bernard Stirling
- Berndt Dichmann
- Beron der Germaine der Kleinklekkersdorf
- Bersi ørrabein
- Bersi Orrabein (former/alternate name of Bersi ørrabein)
- Bertram bræiðr
- Bertram of St Monicas (former/alternate name of Bertram ǫlfúss)
- Bertram ǫlfúss
- Bertrand
- Bertrand ap Caradwc o'r Pen Llwch (former/alternate name of Maelgwn ap Cradog Garth Eryr)
- Bertrand de Mons
- Bess Buckland
- Bess Haddon of York
- Best Pickel Ambberger
- Beth filia Caroli (former/alternate name of Julianne de Sainte Geneste)
- Beth of Gildenwick
- Bethan Daniels of Brockwood
- Bethan Diarmid Kells of Wadestone
- Bethan of Brockwood (former/alternate name of Bethan Daniels of Brockwood)
- Bethany Haywards (former/alternate name of Margaretta Haywards)
- Bethany of Clinton
- Bethany of Gisborough (former/alternate name of Hrefna Hafþórsdóttir)
- Bethany of Southron Gaard (former/alternate name of Margaretta Haywards)
- Bethony Gaitskell
- Bethra de la Sentiero
- Betony of the Green Swathe
- Bettina Della Volp
- Beverley O Fogarty
- Bianca del Coniglio
- Bianca della Torre
- Bianca Foscari
- Bianca Macciadicci
- Bianca of Southron Gaard
- Billi of Twyford
- Biõrn Siggtryygsson (former/alternate name of Heinrich Eberhart von Thorn)
- Biǫrn slagakollr
- Biringeira de Vasconçellos
- Birna Bisadottir
- Bjorn Bassason
- Bjorn BeisKaldi
- Bjorn Bjarnylr Bassason ór Bjarneyu (former/alternate name of Bjorn Bassason)
- Bjorn Hildólfsson
- Bjorn Loðbrok
- Bjorn Meadmaker (former/alternate name of Þorbiǫrn þursasprengir)
- Bjorn Olfus
- Bjorn Pursasprengir (former/alternate name of Þorbiǫrn þursasprengir)
- Bjorn Sæmundarson
- Bjorn Slaguhollr (former/alternate name of Biǫrn slagakollr)
- Bjorn Svartasson (former/alternate name of Bjǫrn Svartsson)
- Bjǫrn Svartsson
- Bjorn the Difficult (former/alternate name of Bjorn vandræðamaðr)
- Bjorn the Red
- Bjorn Thorasson
- Bjorn vandræðamaðr
- Bladd Mafaolen Foal (former/alternate name of Blaido McFaolen Tuant no Faol)
- Blaeney Boltufsen (former/alternate name of Thaddeus Blayney)
- Blaido McFaolen Tuant no Faol
- Blaine ap Mayo
- Blair Dubois
- Blair McKenzie
- Blake Marten
- Blame Monkey (former/alternate name of Magnus Thorbjarnarson)
- Blanca Gutierrez de Avila
- Blanche Le Jandre (former/alternate name of Diether Reinhardt)
- Blayden of Mordenvale
- Bliss of Teine
- Blodeuwedd y Gath (former/alternate name of Annys Blodwell)
- Blodeuwedd y Gath o Nedd (former/alternate name of Annys Blodwell)
- Bodacia of Mordenvale
- Boean Freborn (former/alternate name of Béoán Freborn)
- Boean Freeborn (former/alternate name of Béoán Freborn)
- Boen Freeborn (former/alternate name of Béoán Freborn)
- Bohdan Nepran
- Bohemond Drakerath of Wadestone
- Bonnie Kae McCann
- Bonnie of Blessed Herman
- Boris Altdorfer
- Boris of Mordenvale (former/alternate name of Boris Altdorfer)
- Boris the Volga Bulgar
- Bos Lobo de Orcayz (former/alternate name of Ulf Skeggison)
- Boutart Sanguin
- Boyd Woolfrum
- Boyd Wulfrum (former/alternate name of Boyd Woolfrum )
- Bran AEluinn cu'Chaille
- Bran Emrys o Garnhedryn
- Bran na torcdubh mac Brude
- Bran of Lochiel
- Bran spiþra
- Bran torc Dubh Mac Brude (former/alternate name of Bran na torcdubh mac Brude)
- Bran'sagan ó Gymru Newydd
- Brand de Louden
- Brand der Stentorious (former/alternate name of Brand de Louden)
- Brand Oakwood
- Brand Regenald
- Brandon MacKay
- Brandon McKay (former/alternate name of Brandon MacKay)
- Brannos O'Irongardail
- Branwen of Werchesvorde (former/alternate name of Edith Penrose)
- Branwen the Potter
- Branwen verch Lewis ap Thomas
- Branwyn Chainsmith
- Branwyn de Lochinvar
- Breana of Woodrose (former/alternate name of Ana de Vuallachia)
- Brendan of Kilbride
- Brendan the Basque (former/alternate name of Jean Grondin the Basque)
- Brenna of Bordescros
- Brennan bo narm Endem
- Brennan Halfhand
- Brett of Southron Gaard
- Brian de Caffa (former/alternate name of Brian di Caffa)
- Brian de fantome (former/alternate name of Brian le faucheeur)
- Brian di Caffa
- Brian di Carffa (former/alternate name of Brian di Caffa)
- Brían dorcha ua Conaill
- Brian le faucheeur
- Brian mac Brand
- Brian of Southron Gaard
- Brian of St Malachy (former/alternate name of Brian le faucheeur)
- Brian of Stomhold (former/alternate name of Brian di Caffa)
- Brianna Mervert
- Briatiz d'Andrade
- Brick Walle
- Bridie MacBride
- Brighid Clann na Gaedheal
- Brighid Gwynedd (former/alternate name of Elizabeth la Chatte)
- Brighid of Lindisfarne
- Brigid of Achill (former/alternate name of Anne de Tournai)
- Brigid of Stowe
- Brigid of the Marsh (former/alternate name of Ysabella Nicolla de Leon)
- Brigit Shannon
- Brithael (former/alternate name of Brithiel the Chaste)
- Brithiel the Chaste
- Brochfar the Wanderer
- Brodhir MacDathi
- Brodic of Burnfield
- Bronwen Hildebrant
- Bronwyn ferch Eliseus (former/alternate name of Alarice Beatrix von Thal)
- Browyn of Cloudy River
- Bruce Douglason
- Bruci of Dragonvale (former/alternate name of Brúsi of Dragonvale)
- Bruinneach nic Thighearnain
- Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands
- Brúsi of Dragonvale
- Brusi of Orkney
- Bryce of Arrowsreach
- Bryce of Mona
- Brykcy Karol Gdanski
- Brynhildr Blundr (former/alternate name of Frances Affrica Ray)
- Brynhildr Mús
- Brynjolf Eberhardt
- Brynjólfr Hallþórsson
- Bryony Beehyrd
- Bryony Everling
- Bryony of the Bees (former/alternate name of Bryony Beehyrd)
- Bryson of St Florian
- Burdge of Whitebridge
- Burghardt von der Brandenburg
- Buz Davydov
- Byron of Schoental (former/alternate name of Culhwch Mac Conchobar)