These are all the people whose names start with R who have ever received an award in Lochac, as far as the Canon database knows. Please notify the Canon Herald of any omissions or errors.
- Rachae of Dragons Bay
- Rachel du Bois
- Rachel the Untame
- Radbot von Borg (former/alternate name of Ratbot von Borg)
- Radcliffe of Southron Gaard
- Radulf Dimichevaler
- Raegan of Lunihawk (former/alternate name of Raegan van Halster)
- Raegan van Halster
- Rafail Boiak
- Raffe de Massard
- Raghnaid of Saint Monica (former/alternate name of Raghnaid of St Monica)
- Raghnaid of St Monica
- Ragi Gamlason
- Ragi Roandsson (former/alternate name of Ragi Gamlason)
- Ragnar Bonecracker
- Ragnar Ironbridge
- Ragnar Magnússon
- Ragnar of Adora
- Ragnar Olafssen (former/alternate name of Ragnarr Olafsson)
- Ragnar Siggtryygsson (former/alternate name of Heinrich Eberhart von Thorn)
- Ragnarr of Ravenshold
- Ragnarr Olafsson
- Ragnbjorn inn digri
- Ragnhildr Freysteinndottir
- Ragnhildr skegglaus
- Raichbhe Walkman
- Raife de Massard (former/alternate name of Raffe de Massard)
- Rainald FitzRenyard
- Rainault Berringer
- Rainer Wulfgar
- Rainfreda der Einsamen Hügel (former/alternate name of Sabine de Bernewelle)
- Rainulf Falconet
- Rakael Petrovna
- Ralph Ermin
- Ramón de Castellón de la Plana
- Ramon Frenandez Sancho Garcia de Cordoba (former/alternate name of Ramon Garcia de Cordoba)
- Ramon Garcia de Cordoba
- Ran Njalldottir
- Rand de Alba (former/alternate name of Reinfred de Harle)
- Randal Mallard de la Guerre
- Randall Doyle
- Randall of Willoughby Vale
- Ranif Pallesser
- Ranlyn O'Fayle
- Ranmor Argul
- Ranulf Fitzlayton
- Ranulf Ironlegs
- Raoul d'Avignon
- Raoul Davignon (former/alternate name of Raoul d'Avignon)
- Raoul de Chenonceaux
- Raoul of Buzz (former/alternate name of Buz Davydov)
- Raphael (former/alternate name of Raphael le Dragon)
- Raphael d'Avallon
- Raphael du Noir (former/alternate name of Raphael Dunoir)
- Raphael Dunoir
- Raphael le Dragon
- Raphael le Papillion (former/alternate name of Raphael d'Avallon)
- Rashid al Faqih
- Rastis Radoslavov
- Ratbot von Borg
- Rathnait inghean ui Chairealláin
- Rathnat ni Chairealláin (former/alternate name of Rathnait inghean ui Chairealláin)
- Rathtyen Pen Ygaer
- Ratislav Effemavich
- Ratomir of Mordenvale
- Ratus of Blacktree
- Rauf le Brewere
- Raulf of Esenden
- Raulin of Northwoode
- Raulin Sheffield
- Raulyn Fynch
- Ravella of Southron Gaard
- Raven of the Phoenix Hill
- Raven von Grunewald
- Raven Whitelock
- Raven Wulfsbane
- Ravenhilde of Outer Okewaite
- Ravning
- Rawlen de Clermont
- Ray of Okewaite (former/alternate name of Raulin Sheffield)
- Raymond Landais of Politarchopolis
- Raymond of Annan
- Raynald Greygoose
- Razin al-Basir ibn Ja'far ibn Ma'bad
- Reade ap Sian
- Rebecca of Bordescros
- Rebecca of St Ursula (former/alternate name of Mevanwy of Stormhold)
- Rebecca of Ynys Fawr
- Red Forrester
- Reece of Okewaite
- Reiana of St Florian
- Reignald Seymour of York
- Reinfred de Harle
- Reinhard Hauser von Burgdof
- Reinhardt der Steiger
- Reinhardt Fenring von Bayerich
- Ren Raw
- René du Bon Bois (former/alternate name of Uberto Renaldi)
- Renee of Vargahol
- Renonys de la Fueille
- Renonys of St Basil (former/alternate name of Renonys de la Fueille)
- Reuben Freeman
- Reuben of Blessed Herman
- Reynar the True
- Reynaud de Cherbourg
- Reynaud of Melita (former/alternate name of Reynaud de Cherbourg)
- Rheinhardt of Swabia
- Rhianna of Politarchopolis (former/alternate name of Rhianna verch y Koedwr)
- Rhianna verch y Koedwr
- Rhiannon
- Rhiannon Ferch Ivor
- Rhiannon of Adora (former/alternate name of Gwenhwyfar ferch Elena)
- Rhiannon of Camrose
- Rhiannon of Dublin
- Rhiannon of Rosebriar
- Rhiannon of Silverthorn
- Rhiannon of Willoughby Vale
- Rhiannon of Ynys Fawr (former/alternate name of Rhiannon of Dublin)
- Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada
- Rhianwen of Rhuddlan
- Rhodri
- Rhodri ap Tewdwr
- Rhodri the Romantic
- Rhodri Yoslhaig
- Rhodry ap Gwyneth
- Rhodry ap Owen (former/alternate name of Felix Arnett von Danzig)
- Rhonwen verch Cadawaldr ap Maelgwyn (former/alternate name of Rosa Frye)
- Rhudllan ap Gwilym ap Llywelyn o'r Abermaestag (former/alternate name of Gwalchmai ap Llywelyn Llanfyllin)
- Rhyanon of Okewaite
- Rhyllian of Starfire Retreat
- Rhys of Ildhafn
- Rhys Owen of Wadestone
- Rhys Ravenscroft
- Rhyvane Mistweaver (former/alternate name of Raven Whitelock)
- Rian de Drummyn
- Riccardo della Torre d'Avorio
- Riccardo Pugliesi
- Richard Arrowe
- Richard Cockburne
- Richard d'Allier
- Richard de la Croix
- Richard de Montfort of Hastings
- Richard des Alpes (former/alternate name of Richard d'Allier)
- Richard Ferrowre
- Richard of Aachenfeld (former/alternate name of Richard Ferrowre)
- Richard of Dunheved
- Richard of Kingsbury
- Richard of St Basil
- Richard of the Arrow (former/alternate name of Richard Arrowe)
- Richenza d'Assisi
- Riley of St Monica (former/alternate name of Ayla Rosendorn)
- Ringwar Northwood (former/alternate name of Batista de Bardi)
- Rioghan of Saarlands
- Rioghnach inghean Aireachtaigh
- Ríoghnach ní Laisreáin (former/alternate name of Rioghnach inghean Aireachtaigh)
- Riona of Caerleon
- Riona of Stowe (former/alternate name of Ann of Stowe)
- Ríonach O'Melaghlin
- Rivka
- Rixenda de Ruppe
- Rob of Burnfield
- Rob the Roman
- Robert Calis
- Robert Callis (former/alternate name of Robert Calis)
- Robert Campbell (former/alternate name of Iokell Robert Campbell)
- Robert de Bauch
- Robert de Bonnay
- Robert de Canterbury
- Robert de Mar
- Robert Dolby
- Robert Douglason
- Robert Fletcher
- Robert Furness of Southwood
- Robert Gascard
- Robert Laffan of York
- Robert Longshanks of Canterbury (former/alternate name of Robert de Canterbury)
- Robert Mortimer
- Robert of Ferndale
- Robert of Knightsbridge
- Robert of Nutbush (former/alternate name of Robert of Ynys Fawr)
- Robert of Starmount
- Robert of Strathconnan
- Robert of Ynys Fawr
- Robert of York (former/alternate name of Robert Laffan of York)
- Robert Robare the Rhos
- Robert Stoner (former/alternate name of Milos Stoner)
- Robert the Blackaxe of Donington
- Robert the Reluctant
- Robert Thompson
- Roberta of the Calling Woods
- Roberto de Fabbro
- Robin of Ambledune (former/alternate name of Robin the Scarlet of Ambledune)
- Robin of Robins
- Robin of St Monica
- Robin of St Monica's (former/alternate name of Robin of St Monica)
- Robin of Twyford
- Robin Reynardo
- Robin the Ruthless in Battel
- Robin the Scarlet of Ambledune
- Robyn atte May
- Robyn of the May (former/alternate name of Robyn atte May)
- Roche of Castellum Montanum
- Rochelle of Dragons Bay
- Roddhu Oakburn
- Roderic Fynch (former/alternate name of Raulyn Fynch)
- Roderick of Downegate
- Rodger de Rose (former/alternate name of Rodger of Saint Crispin)
- Rodger of Saint Crispin
- Rodrigo Brasa
- Rodrigo de Burgos
- Rodrigo Diaz Mendoza
- Rodrigo of Abbotsford (former/alternate name of Rodrigo de Burgos)
- Rodrigo of Dismal Fogs (former/alternate name of Rodrigo Brasa)
- Roger of Cluain (former/alternate name of Rudiger Adler)
- Roger the Cautious
- Roger the Eunuch (former/alternate name of Anna Felice Tavestoche)
- Roger von Biembach
- Rohan of Annwn (former/alternate name of Rohan of House Annwn)
- Rohan of House Annwn
- Roheis Ireton of Attenborough
- Rohese de Fairhurst
- Rohesia le Sarjent
- Rois inghean Tomais
- Roisin Cinnsealach (former/alternate name of Róisin Cinnsealach)
- Róisin Cinnsealach
- Róisín Locha Éirne
- Roisin Mac Bradaigh
- Roisin of Loch Eire (former/alternate name of Róisín Locha Éirne)
- Rokku de Bircarcara
- Rolan um din fass
- Roland Guillaume de Navarre (former/alternate name of Hrolleifr skrauti)
- Roland Ironbeard
- Roland Löfhjälm
- Roland of Armadale
- Roland of Llyn Arian (former/alternate name of Aelfric of Dorcestre)
- Roman Walerian
- Romana Elspeth de la Mar Paisley
- Romana Ward of the Midlands
- Romano Alirous
- Romille de Mont Blanc
- Ronald of Ynys Fawr (former/alternate name of Ronald the Red)
- Ronald the Red
- Ronan ap Aeddan ap Andreas (former/alternate name of Ronan of Stormhold)
- Ronan Heron of Bordescros (former/alternate name of Rónán Herun)
- Rónán Herun
- Ronan mac Briain
- Ronan of Stormhold
- Rondmær Rauda Vakrisdottir
- Rory de Massarde
- Rory of the Black Thistle
- Rosa Askell
- Rosa Frye
- Rosa of Southron Gaard (former/alternate name of Rosanella Soranzo)
- Rosalind Beaufort
- Rosalind le Clochard (former/alternate name of Rose Pennyngton)
- Rosalind of Ildhafn (former/alternate name of Rosalind Ryne)
- Rosalind of Rowany (former/alternate name of Rosalind, die Entschlossene)
- Rosalind Ryne
- Rosalind the Nameless (former/alternate name of Rosalind Beaufort)
- Rosalind, die Entschlossene
- Rosalinde von Braunschweig
- Rosalyn d'Alban (former/alternate name of Rosalind Ryne)
- Rosalyn of Gildenwick
- Rosamond de Montfort
- Rosamonde de l'Oiselet
- Rosamund Laiborn
- Rosamund of Argyll
- Rosamund of Bohemia
- Rosamunde of Politarchopolis
- Rosanella Soranzo
- Rosce de Ferrieres
- Rose de Beaumont
- Rose de Ludlow
- Rose la Clochard (former/alternate name of Rose Pennyngton)
- Rose la Papellonne (former/alternate name of Elizabeth Harting)
- Rose le Taillor
- Rose of Abbotsford
- Rose of Borderscros
- Rose of Northgate
- Rose of Southron Gaard (former/alternate name of Rosetta Elizabetta Cortez)
- Rose of the Colourful Garden
- Rose Papellon (former/alternate name of Elizabeth Harting)
- Rose Pennyngton
- Rose Taillor (former/alternate name of Rose le Taillor)
- Rose Truelove
- Rose Turner
- Rosemunde von Stargarde
- Rosetta Elizabetta Cortez
- Roskva Alunsdottir
- Roskva of Redcliffe (former/alternate name of Roskva Alunsdottir)
- Roslyn of Clan Pettigrew
- Ross of Waipara
- Roswitha of Ravensburg
- Rosy of Rowany
- Rotte Micklemaus (former/alternate name of Ratbot von Borg)
- Rowan Perigrynne
- Rowanna Nachteule
- Rowany Dance Band
- Rowena le Sarjent (former/alternate name of Rohesia le Sarjent)
- Rowena of Loxton
- Rowena of Seventowers
- Rowland Brideford (former/alternate name of Rowland Bridgeford)
- Rowland Bridgeford
- Roxana Greenlefe
- Roxana Grenelefe (former/alternate name of Roxana Greenlefe)
- Roxana the Huntress (former/alternate name of Roxana Greenlefe)
- Roxanne of Golden Rivers (former/alternate name of Szöke Ersébet)
- Rúadán Fota
- Rubenstein of Glendale
- Rubin Doubauch
- Ruby Meow (former/alternate name of Merlin Grindall le Chat)
- Rudiger Adler
- Rudolf von der Drau
- Rufus Adycote of Mynheniot
- Rügen Axegrinder
- Rumelli Aq Kurt Dragan
- Rúna Hundadóttir
- Runa Hundardottir (former/alternate name of Rúna Hundadóttir)
- Rúna Keiliselgr (former/alternate name of Rúnfríðr Keiliselgr)
- Rúnfríðr Keiliselgr
- Ruric the Grey
- Rurik farserkr
- Rurik Grenfrithson (former/alternate name of Rurik farserkr)
- Rurik Grunfrithson (former/alternate name of Rurik farserkr)
- Ruth of Blessed Herman
- Ruth of Innilgard (former/alternate name of Laufey rauðrefr)
- Ruth of Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière
- Ryan of Innilgard
- Rylan Oke (former/alternate name of Iohannes Melinnith)