This is the Order of Precedence for the kingdom of Lochac. Everyone in the database who's received an award is listed, in order according to their highest ranking award and the date they received it. More important awards (peerages, counties, duchies) come before less important ones like AoAs and Cockatrices. Where there's a tiebreaker required, it comes down to the precedence and dates of the other awards they've received. We list here the highest award and the number of other awards they have, for comparison. Unfortunately, awards listed in Canon Lore without a specific date received are unable to be used in calculating the Order of Precedence.
An Order of Precedence for a specific branch can be found in the branch's entry in Canon Lore. The Order of Precedence can be filtered to include residents of a particular region (Australia, New Zealand or Overseas) by clicking one of the regional options in the sidebar.
- 3501. Galavant of Southron Gaard (MG)
- 3502. Dana Halil bin Abdullah (MG)
- 3503. Danyell Wynter (MG)
- 3504. Catherine Sexi (MG)
- 3505. Eleanor MacTavish (MG + 2)
- 3506. Amber of Stowe (MG)
- 3507. John Askewe (MG)
- 3508. Astrid Alexander (MG)
- 3509. Tungge Usun (RC + 3)
- 3510. Elizabeth of Attica (RC + 4)
- 3511. Quinn Weaver (RC + 3)
- 3512. Luke Jockson (RC + 3)
- 3513. Elizabeth MacTavish (RC + 1)
- 3514. Abbey (RC)
- 3515. Cateline Courtecuisse (RC)
- 3516. Oliver of Rowany (RC)
- 3517. Vera of Rowany (RC)
- 3518. George of River Haven (MG)
- 3519. Samuel son of Godric (MG)
- 3520. Politarchopolan Assault Catering Corps (OPL)
- 3521. Sigríðr stjarna (MG)
- 3522. Gui avec Cheval de Guise (RC + 1)
- 3523. Marion Mother of Branwen (RC + 1)
- 3524. Will the Strong of St Florian (RC + 1)
- 3525. Alex of Mordenvale (MG)
- 3526. Coren of Mordenvale (MG)
- 3527. Douglas Pryor (OCL)
- 3528. Drake de Bonnay (MG)
- 3529. Hrafn Thorolfson (RC + 2)
- 3530. Sverre Thorolfson (RC + 2)
- 3531. Nelson of Gildenwick (MG)
- 3532. Alice of Gildenwick (MG)
- 3533. Gráinne of Bordescros (MG)
- 3534. Brian mac Brand (OCL)
- 3535. Lorelei von Orlamunde (OCL)
- 3536. Liam Alban of Oxley (MG)
- 3537. Leia of Southron Gaard (MG)
- 3538. Logan Marchand (MG)
- 3539. Wulfric of Bordescros (MG)
- 3540. Harriet of Rowany (MG)
- 3541. Isabella of Rowany (MG)
- 3542. Zoe of Rowany (MG)
- 3543. Timothy of Dismal Fogs (MG + 1)
- 3544. Astrid of St Florian (MG)
- 3545. Milli of the Beehive (MG)
- 3546. Lochac College of Scribes (OPL)
- 3547. Cali le Breustere (RC)
- 3548. Leila of Adora (MG)
- 3549. Lucinda of Okewaite (MG)
- 3550. Luke of Dismal Fogs (MG + 2)
- 3551. Jas Brewers (MG)
- 3552. Sophia of Darton (MG)
- 3553. The Jolly Duke (OPL)
- 3554. Marc de Arundel (RC)
- 3555. Patricia Blackthorne (RC)
- 3556. Marie de la Croix (QC + 1)
- 3557. Callum of Loch Eire (MG)
- 3558. Gyda Ulfrsdottir (MG)
- 3559. Molly of Loch Eire (MG)
- 3560. Evelyn D'Aruer (MG + 1)
- 3561. Hunter Aonghusson (MG + 3)
- 3562. Kjúklingabjörn Niallsdottir (RC + 3)
- 3563. Rowany Dance Band (OPL)
- 3564. John of Ynys Fawr (RC)
- 3565. Ravning (OPL)
- 3566. Xavier Schwalbe (MG)
- 3567. Harmonia of St Florian (RC)
- 3568. Nathan of Riverhaven (MG)
- 3569. Harrison of Bordescros (MG)
- 3570. Matthew of Aneala (MG)
- 3571. Mary of Southron Gaard (MG)
- 3572. Arthur of Southron Gaard (MG)
- 3573. Bjorn the Red (MG)
- 3574. Lochac College of Heralds (OPL)
- 3575. Owen of Dismal Fogs (MG)
- 3576. The Alleged Pete (RC)
- 3577. Genevieve of Innilgard (GGuard)
- 3578. Imogen of Innilgard (GGuard)
- 3579. Abigail of Dismal Fogs (GGuard + 1)
- 3580. Rosalind, die Entschlossene (GGuard + 1)
- 3581. Isabella dell'Isola (GGuard + 1)
- 3582. Lokki Njalsson (GGuard)
- 3583. Ava of Southron Gaard (MG + 1)
- 3584. Julia Fortunata (MG + 1)
- 3585. Alexander Luanson (MG)
- 3586. Alice Daniels of Brockwood (GGuard + 1)
- 3587. Ana of Wildmoor (GGuard)
- 3588. Guinivere di Assartis (MG)
- 3589. Stella of Southron Gaard (GGuard)
- 3590. Timmy of Southron Gaard (GGuard + 1)
- 3591. Felix of Southron Gaard (GGuard)
- 3592. Robert de Canterbury (RC)
- 3593. Rosalyn of Gildenwick (GGuard)
- 3594. Tui of Southron Gaard (GGuard)
- 3595. Zavier of Southron Gaard (GGuard)
- 3596. Ethan of Bordescros (MG + 1)
- 3597. Rose of Borderscros (MG)
- 3598. Marcus the Archer (MG + 2)
- 3599. Dagmar the Red (RC)
- 3600. Yon de Yonnstone (RC)