This is the Order of Precedence for the kingdom of Lochac. Everyone in the database who's received an award is listed, in order according to their highest ranking award and the date they received it. More important awards (peerages, counties, duchies) come before less important ones like AoAs and Cockatrices. Where there's a tiebreaker required, it comes down to the precedence and dates of the other awards they've received. We list here the highest award and the number of other awards they have, for comparison. Unfortunately, awards listed in Canon Lore without a specific date received are unable to be used in calculating the Order of Precedence.
An Order of Precedence for a specific branch can be found in the branch's entry in Canon Lore. The Order of Precedence can be filtered to include residents of a particular region (Australia, New Zealand or Overseas) by clicking one of the regional options in the sidebar.
- 1501. Duibheasa of Mona (AA)
- 1502. Bran Emrys o Garnhedryn (AA)
- 1503. Myfanwy Elen o Gaerfyrddin (AA)
- 1504. Sulaimon Orlando Cordobes (AA)
- 1505. Julian du Bois (AA)
- 1506. Aelfric of Dorcestre (AA + 1)
- 1507. Kelly of Cornwall (AA + 2)
- 1508. Branwen the Potter (AA)
- 1509. Conal of Leinster (AA)
- 1510. Valka Seppitarius (AA)
- 1511. Aurboda (AA)
- 1512. Ernest Baker (AA)
- 1513. Martin de Bayeux (AA)
- 1514. Ríonach O'Melaghlin (AA)
- 1515. Madelgyne Boarslayer (AA)
- 1516. Mordred Boarslayer (AA)
- 1517. Duncan MacAlpin Shieldsbane (AA + 1)
- 1518. Aaron of Lichgreen (AA)
- 1519. Bianca Macciadicci (AA)
- 1520. Morphia Gildersleeve of Saffron Walden (AA)
- 1521. Anastacia the Healer (AA + 1)
- 1522. Corin the Restful (AA + 1)
- 1523. Mélisande de Gratia e Sprezzatura (AA)
- 1524. Timo Auliksenpoika (AA)
- 1525. Wulfstan of Broxton (AA)
- 1526. Iame de Estwode (AA + 1)
- 1527. Katharine of Wotton-under-Edge (AA)
- 1528. Selwyn Searobyrig (AA)
- 1529. Taras Apolinariovich Umértvlenyi (AA)
- 1530. Tristram Telfor (AA)
- 1531. Leif Gregson (AA)
- 1532. Melisaund Gwyllt ferch Gwion (AA)
- 1533. Tegwen Llyn y Fan Fawr (AA + 1)
- 1534. Ellyn Dawndelyon d'Azay (AA)
- 1535. Robert Furness of Southwood (AA)
- 1536. Kenneth the Merchant (AA)
- 1537. Wulfwine Bloodfang (AA)
- 1538. Bethany of Clinton (AA)
- 1539. Sarah of the Grove (AA)
- 1540. Elslein von Abendstern (AA + 1)
- 1541. Pippin of Loch Indin (AA)
- 1542. Aveline de Roet (AA + 4)
- 1543. Nicolette du Loire (AA + 1)
- 1544. Angus Wemyss of Fife (AA + 1)
- 1545. Shirin Khanjar al Zinj (AA + 1)
- 1546. Rhiannon Ferch Ivor (AA + 1)
- 1547. Arian Shieldbreaker (AA + 1)
- 1548. Eleanor d'Avignon (AA)
- 1549. Eric Bloodaxe (AA)
- 1550. Henry William of Oxeneford (AA)
- 1551. Elisabeth Courtenay (AA)
- 1552. Kenelm de la Dale (AA)
- 1553. Katharina von Regensburg (AA)
- 1554. Emily Braithwaite of Kendal (AA)
- 1555. Eric of the Bogs (AA)
- 1556. Katerina de Firenze (AA)
- 1557. Marco Alighieri (AA)
- 1558. Matilda of Mordenvale (AA)
- 1559. Melitus Zolotoi Fedrov syn Velikij (AA + 1)
- 1560. Vashti Damascene (AA + 2)
- 1561. Cynon Yscolan ap Myrddin (AA)
- 1562. David the Harper (AA)
- 1563. Maximillian von Baden-Baden (AA)
- 1564. Tristram Broddurson (AA)
- 1565. Dubhghall ó Séaghdha (AA + 1)
- 1566. Adriana Belechere (AA)
- 1567. Carl the Hopeful (AA)
- 1568. Sanchia de la Tourre (AA)
- 1569. Alleena Minoan (AA)
- 1570. Gwendolen of River Haven (AA)
- 1571. Elaine of Sussex (AA)
- 1572. Boris the Volga Bulgar (AA)
- 1573. Raymond Landais of Politarchopolis (AA + 1)
- 1574. Betony of the Green Swathe (AA)
- 1575. Raulyn Fynch (AA)
- 1576. Sioned Maesbreila (AA)
- 1577. Wolfgang of Transylvania (AA)
- 1578. Brennan bo narm Endem (AA)
- 1579. Jack of Land's End (AA)
- 1580. Francis of Hexham (AA + 1)
- 1581. Cassandra the Gypsy (AA)
- 1582. Caslan a Saint Keverne (AA)
- 1583. James Ericsson (AA + 1)
- 1584. Iain James MacLaren (AA)
- 1585. Oláfr Thordarson (AA + 2)
- 1586. Wulfpaïs of Kantara (AA)
- 1587. Mador ab Adregain (AA + 1)
- 1588. Isadora d'Este (AA + 1)
- 1589. Erinn Ailinna Inion Llewellyn O'Meath (AA)
- 1590. Guimora Peverel of Scopasheall (AA)
- 1591. Ziyadah ibnata Zahara (AA)
- 1592. Ariel an Darrach (AA + 1)
- 1593. Ceridwen ferch Dafydd ap Cradog (AA + 2)
- 1594. Alberich Lindwurmer (AA)
- 1595. Antoinette Saint Clair (AA)
- 1596. Genevieve des Champs (AA + 1)
- 1597. Grania na Toice (AA)
- 1598. Eleanor Mathilda Trent of Raveningham (AA)
- 1599. Khalid al-Khadir (AA)
- 1600. Austyn of Forrestgate (AA)