This is the Order of Precedence for the kingdom of Lochac. Everyone in the database who's received an award is listed, in order according to their highest ranking award and the date they received it. More important awards (peerages, counties, duchies) come before less important ones like AoAs and Cockatrices. Where there's a tiebreaker required, it comes down to the precedence and dates of the other awards they've received. We list here the highest award and the number of other awards they have, for comparison. Unfortunately, awards listed in Canon Lore without a specific date received are unable to be used in calculating the Order of Precedence.
An Order of Precedence for a specific branch can be found in the branch's entry in Canon Lore. The Order of Precedence can be filtered to include residents of a particular region (Australia, New Zealand or Overseas) by clicking one of the regional options in the sidebar.
- 1801. Lukas von Adlershof (AA)
- 1802. Desdemona Antiquarius (AA)
- 1803. Leonhardt von Saxenburg (AA + 3)
- 1804. Ban The Untrained (AA)
- 1805. Genevieve (AA)
- 1806. Kateryn Lanark (AA)
- 1807. Learbhean ni Sheighin (AA)
- 1808. Michiline de Lyons (AA)
- 1809. Rioghnach inghean Aireachtaigh (AA)
- 1810. Sven the Unkempt (AA + 2)
- 1811. Zeiglind of Ortmund (AA)
- 1812. Wystan of Wallesende (AA + 3)
- 1813. Marishka of Schoental (AA + 1)
- 1814. Rhiannon of Camrose (AA + 1)
- 1815. Sven Vandilsson (AA + 1)
- 1816. Nicolas de Villiers (AA + 1)
- 1817. Caterin of Kilkenny (AA)
- 1818. Morrigan (AA)
- 1819. Brand Regenald (AA)
- 1820. Finnechias the Hesitant (AA)
- 1821. Ciaran Bran (AA)
- 1822. Morrigan Scathach (AA)
- 1823. Rory of the Black Thistle (AA + 1)
- 1824. Grif the Confused (AA)
- 1825. Ranulf Fitzlayton (AA)
- 1826. Lyle the Philosopher (AA + 1)
- 1827. Jarek the Trumpeter (AA)
- 1828. Madeline de Torlyon (AA)
- 1829. Rubenstein of Glendale (AA)
- 1830. Veronique of Illoura (AA)
- 1831. Raven of the Phoenix Hill (AA)
- 1832. Madeleine Dulac d'Agenais (AA + 2)
- 1833. Aonghas na Gramaoch (AA)
- 1834. Elysium Durante della Francesca (AA)
- 1835. Terry of Mordenvale (AA)
- 1836. Jacques de Vulcon (AA + 1)
- 1837. Jean Pierre de Sabre (AA + 1)
- 1838. Odo de la Montayne (AA)
- 1839. Sagar de Montdragon (AA)
- 1840. Elizabeth of Rosecastle (AA)
- 1841. Morgan Fletcher (AA)
- 1842. Robert the Blackaxe of Donington (AA)
- 1843. Rhianwen of Rhuddlan (AA)
- 1844. Wulfram von Faulsberg (AA + 1)
- 1845. Cassia Gentileschi (AA)
- 1846. Catherine of Ivanhoe (AA)
- 1847. Medrian of Saint Gildas (AA)
- 1848. Katerina Faulhaber (AA)
- 1849. Marianna de Gael (AA + 2)
- 1850. Eleonora Rose (AA)
- 1851. Darken von Braun (AA + 1)
- 1852. Áine inghean Mhíchíl Bheachadóra (AA)
- 1853. Blaine ap Mayo (AA + 2)
- 1854. Æmilia of Syracuse (AA + 1)
- 1855. Dante Dalliaro (AA)
- 1856. Ysolde della romany du Piermontesori (AA)
- 1857. Adeline Amery (AA)
- 1858. Andre du Mort Noir (AA)
- 1859. Francesca Lucia Sammicheli (AA)
- 1860. Diomedes of Trebizond (AA)
- 1861. Kate Walmisley (AA)
- 1862. Serena of Amastris (AA)
- 1863. Vanya of Southron Gaard (AA)
- 1864. Alatea Dolorosa de Catalonia (AA + 1)
- 1865. Holliocke Brockden (AA + 1)
- 1866. Amyas Foulkes de Grey (AA)
- 1867. Baldwin Martel (AA)
- 1868. Catherine Anne Colchester (AA)
- 1869. Juan el Blanco (AA)
- 1870. Medbdh Anceann d'Ehileann (AA)
- 1871. Talasse of Schoental (AA)
- 1872. Ursula of Kyleakin (AA)
- 1873. Witandaed o Scafeld (AA)
- 1874. Julianna de la Rochelle (AA + 2)
- 1875. Amadeus of Amesbury (AA)
- 1876. Helena of Cleves (AA + 2)
- 1877. John St Clair (AA)
- 1878. Ale Constantine (AA)
- 1879. Dalan Pallandres (AA)
- 1880. Frederick von Karlsberg (AA)
- 1881. Orlando de Lacy (AA + 1)
- 1882. Jabir a'Byad (AA + 1)
- 1883. Ratus of Blacktree (AA)
- 1884. Rowena of Seventowers (AA + 1)
- 1885. Arrianne Isabeau Liegh (AA)
- 1886. Aiofe ní Medb (AA + 1)
- 1887. Tanya of Shoreham (AA)
- 1888. Tomas del Valle de Bravo (AA)
- 1889. Sorsha (AA)
- 1890. Katherine Rowberd (AA + 1)
- 1891. Ness the Orange Lady (AA + 1)
- 1892. Aeddan ap Andraes (AA + 1)
- 1893. Ciera the Mad (AA)
- 1894. Duff of Stormhold (AA)
- 1895. Llewelyn Cadno de Granville (AA)
- 1896. Ulf Lowis (AA)
- 1897. Yassim Habib (AA)
- 1898. Yolanda (AA)
- 1899. Brand de Louden (AA)
- 1900. Heinrich Maximillian von Hesse (AA)