This is the Order of Precedence for the kingdom of Lochac. Everyone in the database who's received an award is listed, in order according to their highest ranking award and the date they received it. More important awards (peerages, counties, duchies) come before less important ones like AoAs and Cockatrices. Where there's a tiebreaker required, it comes down to the precedence and dates of the other awards they've received. We list here the highest award and the number of other awards they have, for comparison. Unfortunately, awards listed in Canon Lore without a specific date received are unable to be used in calculating the Order of Precedence.
An Order of Precedence for a specific branch can be found in the branch's entry in Canon Lore. The Order of Precedence can be filtered to include residents of a particular region (Australia, New Zealand or Overseas) by clicking one of the regional options in the sidebar.
- 901. Culhwch Mac Conchobar (GL + 2)
- 902. Sibella de Montefeltro (GL + 4)
- 903. Wilfrid of Sumersæte (GL + 3)
- 904. Mevanwy verch Llywelyn (OGT + 1)
- 905. Jacob Maler (OGT)
- 906. Nadezhda Stolpa (OGT + 2)
- 907. Aldwin Seguin (OGT + 2)
- 908. Athala Mercedes de Lioncourt (GL + 1)
- 909. Gwenhwyfar ferch Morgan (GL + 1)
- 910. Jardine Mac Enlea (GL + 1)
- 911. Isolde of Ildhafn (OGT + 1)
- 912. Ysabella de Montrose (OGT + 2)
- 913. Carbeus de Lyon (OGT + 4)
- 914. Yvette Angel (OGT + 3)
- 915. Konrad Athalwolf (GL + 2)
- 916. Oddr Manaskagi (OGT + 1)
- 917. Helga rauðtík Leósdóttir (OGT + 1)
- 918. Michael of Galicia (OGT + 1)
- 919. Lucia Littlefaire (GL + 2)
- 920. Madelaine le Mercer (GL + 5)
- 921. Mayeda of the Silver Tounge (OGT + 1)
- 922. Darby de Askote (OGT + 1)
- 923. Llywelyn òr Llyn (OGT + 1)
- 924. Béoán Freborn (OGT + 3)
- 925. Rioghan of Saarlands (ONo + 10)
- 926. Elisabet von Tecklenburg (GL + 2)
- 927. Melisant de Bergerac (OGT + 1)
- 928. Gabriel Kalothetos (OGT + 1)
- 929. Ysabella Vitale (ONo + 3)
- 930. Sihtric Silfrör (OGS + 3)
- 931. Tyrian of Wendrun (GL + 2)
- 932. Gabrielle de Taillevent (OGT + 2)
- 933. Subodai (GL + 1)
- 934. Susanna von Houlton (OGT)
- 935. Alessandra Torrigiani d'Arezzo (GL + 2)
- 936. Eleanor of Abergavenny (OGT + 5)
- 937. Toirdhealbhach Ó Corráin (OGT + 1)
- 938. Mynjon du Jardin (OGT + 2)
- 939. Zanobia Adimari (OGT + 6)
- 940. Bess Buckland (GL + 1)
- 941. Ulric Johansson (ONo + 3)
- 942. Ana de Vuallachia (OGT + 2)
- 943. Romano Alirous (OGS + 1)
- 944. Constance de Colligny (GL)
- 945. Elen Benet (GL + 2)
- 946. Aelfric Branwelather (GL + 1)
- 947. Cateline Amica Gray (GL + 2)
- 948. Miles Warde (MR + 7)
- 949. William fitz Symon (OGT + 3)
- 950. Rauf le Brewere (OGT + 1)
- 951. Mayela de la Rue (OGT + 4)
- 952. Ysabella Nicolla de Leon (GL + 5)
- 953. Peregrine Flamstead (GL + 5)
- 954. Katherine Xavier (OGT + 2)
- 955. Emayn de Whytacre (GL + 2)
- 956. Sabine de Bernewelle (OGT + 1)
- 957. Dauid of Cochrane (ONo + 4)
- 958. Cecily de Montgomery (OGT + 3)
- 959. William de Perham (OGT + 7)
- 960. Cwen Ælfrices Dohter (OGT + 4)
- 961. Mathilda de Villiers (GL + 1)
- 962. Alan of Darton (OGT + 1)
- 963. Alana the Traveller (OGT + 1)
- 964. Thordis Haraldsdottir (GL + 1)
- 965. Francesca Martini (OGT + 1)
- 966. Robert of Strathconnan (OGT + 2)
- 967. Drogo von Königsberg (OGT + 2)
- 968. Androu le Greyn (GL + 1)
- 969. Darius Freeman (ONo + 2)
- 970. Dragon Demonskyi (OGS + 3)
- 971. Geffrey ðe Wulf (ONo + 2)
- 972. Brian le faucheeur (PF + 3)
- 973. Marcus of Ironforge (OGT + 1)
- 974. Willem Tobias (OGT + 2)
- 975. Anselm da Calabria (ONo + 2)
- 976. Genevieve de Montfleur (OGT + 2)
- 977. Katerina of Bastion (GL + 1)
- 978. Nesta verch Wyn (LOG + 6)
- 979. Orm the Red (ORa + 1)
- 980. Madelina of Duneheve (PF + 2)
- 981. Loralein dell'Isola (OGT + 1)
- 982. Elspeth Jamieson (OGT + 1)
- 983. Emilio de Batista (ORa + 2)
- 984. Sybilla Cuspinian (OGT + 1)
- 985. Khorvash Zareed (ONo + 2)
- 986. Gabrielle Hastyings of the Marshes (OGT + 1)
- 987. Mathilde Hastyngs (OGT + 1)
- 988. Druisten Hrafnsson (GL + 2)
- 989. Hugh d'Hauteville (GL + 1)
- 990. Buz Davydov (GL + 3)
- 991. Belissario Lascaris (OGT + 2)
- 992. Orlando the Pure (MR + 5)
- 993. Der Draigen Rhudd (OGT + 2)
- 994. Jehan de Benne (GL + 1)
- 995. Philip de Ravenshagh (OH + 3)
- 996. Wenefrith Everett de Calabria (OGT + 2)
- 997. Ragnarr Olafsson (OGT + 3)
- 998. Essyllt verch Edenevet (OGT + 3)
- 999. John Bucstan de Glonn (OGS + 1)
- 1000. Anton de Stoc (GL + 4)