- Awards
- All
- Æthelmearc
- An Tir
- Artemisia
- Atenveldt
- Atlantia
- Caid
- Calontir
- Drachenwald
- Ealdormere
- Lochac
- Meridies
- Northshield
- Outlands
- The East
- The Middle
- The West
- Trimaris
Silver Helm
- The Silver Helm (formerly the Shining Helm) is given to those combatants who consistently present a good looking and period appearance on the field.
- from Lochac
- abbreviation: OSH
Award abreviations listed in Canon Lore are not authoritative, as many Kingdoms (including Lochac) do not specify abbreviations for awards. Where specified by Kingdom Law, such award abbreviations used are used (sometimes modified by addition of a kingdom), where absent, abbreviations have been made up.
Roll of Arms, by date
- Wendell von Bayern on a day unknown from King Draco II and Queen Asa II
- Daemon Deorc on 9 June 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Gareth of Greymarch on 9 June 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Sebastian of Ventbarré on 9 June 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Timotheos Vlastaris on 9 June 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- John of Skye on 9 June 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Alfar of Attica on 9 June 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Vashti Damascene on 19 August 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Brian di Caffa on 19 August 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Rashid al Faqih on 30 September 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Robert Robare the Rhos on 30 September 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Gruagac O'Sliabh on 4 November 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Mador ab Adregain on 4 November 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Manfred von Vogelheisse on 4 November 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Randal Mallard de la Guerre on 4 November 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Suleiman ibn Turgut ibn Arslan on 4 November 1990 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Aylwin Greymane on 5 January 1991 from Prince Haos and Princess Bryony
- Eric Ravn on 1 April 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Richard de la Croix on 1 April 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Haos Windchaser on 23 November 1991 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Ragnar Magnússon on 7 December 1991 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Cornelius von Becke on 5 September 1992 from Prince Gerald and Princess Alisaundre
- Kane Greymane on 5 September 1992 from Prince Gerald and Princess Alisaundre
- Juan Sanchez de Mendoza y Loyola on 7 November 1992 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Kalkin of Forrest Keep on 21 November 1992 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Gytha Halfdan on 21 November 1992 from Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith
- Raoul de Chenonceaux on 15 May 1993 from Prince Brusi and Princess Catherine
- Richard of Dunheved on 23 October 1993 from Prince Alfar I and Princess Susannah
- Talbot of Oakdale on 30 October 1993 from Prince Alfar I and Princess Susannah
- Yves Le Chat Blanc on 31 October 1993 from Prince Alfar I and Princess Susannah
- Tegen Meanbh on 26 June 1994 from Prince Cornelius I and Princess Morwynna I
- Maelgwn ap Cradog Garth Eryr on 10 July 1994 from Prince Cornelius I and Princess Morwynna I
- Connor McFiddich on 18 March 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Mador de Mar on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Vladimir Ivanovich Kurgan the Untrained on 6 May 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Hugh the Little on 6 May 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Snorri Ottarsson on 28 May 1995 from Prince d'Gaunt and Princess Muirghein
- Craig Eideard MacGhille Aindrais on 15 July 1995 from Prince d'Gaunt and Princess Muirghein
- Catherine de Arc on 15 July 1995 from Prince d'Gaunt and Princess Muirghein
- Orlando de Lacy on 1 October 1995 from Prince Finnian and Princess Lucrezia
- Stephen Aldred on 20 April 1996 from Prince Cornelius II and Princess Morwynna II
- House Deorc on 27 April 1996 from Prince Cornelius II and Princess Morwynna II
- The Grogs on 27 April 1996 from Prince Cornelius II and Princess Morwynna II
- Arianwen of Harlech on 14 September 1996 from Prince Alfar III and Princess Elspeth I
- Philipe du Lac on 23 August 1997 from Prince Ragnar and Princess Bliss
- Jacques de Vulcon on 18 October 1997 from Prince Ragnar and Princess Bliss
- Llewellyn de Guerre on 15 November 1997 from Prince Ragnar and Princess Bliss
- The Horde on 29 November 1997 from Prince Ragnar and Princess Bliss
- Dougal of Landewednak on 4 July 1998 from Prince Boris I and Princess Constance I
- Lars Leifsson on 22 August 1998 from Prince Alfar IV and Princess Elspeth II
- Guthfrith Yrlingsson on 22 August 1998 from Prince Alfar IV and Princess Elspeth II
- Lorcan MacCochlain on 29 August 1998 from Prince Alfar IV and Princess Elspeth II
- Cormac the Traveller on 10 October 1998 from Prince Alfar IV and Princess Elspeth II
- Raven Whitelock on 17 October 1998 from Prince Alfar IV and Princess Elspeth II
- Simon Calain of Chainebrigge on 22 November 1998 from Prince Alfar IV and Princess Elspeth II
- Guillaume d'Oze on 19 June 1999 from Prince Vladimir and Princess Huraiwa
- Cynewulf of Wintancaestre on 11 July 1999 from Prince Ædward and Princess Yolande
- Leofric Willoughby de Broke on 4 September 1999 from Prince Ædward and Princess Yolande
- Khalil al-Jili on 7 November 1999 from Prince Ædward and Princess Yolande
- Gawyne d'Ibelin on 7 November 1999 from Prince Ædward and Princess Yolande
- Hrothgar Breaksword on 11 December 1999 from Prince Ædward and Princess Yolande
- Lemmings Household on 25 November 2000 from Prince Boris II and Princess Constance II
- Conan MacAndreis on 2 December 2000 from Prince Boris II and Princess Constance II
- Konrad Athalwolf on 10 December 2000 from Prince Boris II and Princess Constance II
- Robert of Strathconnan on 29 April 2001 from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- William de Toeny on 16 June 2001 from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Draco de Euruic on 17 June 2001 from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Gerald of York on 14 July 2001 from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Kitan von Falkenberg on 16 February 2002 from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Healfdene Westfara on 27 April 2002 from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Osgot of Corfe on 4 May 2002 from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Seán le Bastard on 8 June 2002 from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Nathaniel Mendoza y de Guadalajara on 3 August 2002 from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
- Dareios Rossos the Vigilant on 3 October 2002 from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
- Gershom of Ravensdale on 12 October 2002 from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
- Blaido McFaolen Tuant no Faol on 22 February 2003 from King Cornelius I and Queen Morwynna I
- Martuccio Lorenzo Cavalcanti de Medici on 14 June 2003 from King Cornelius I and Queen Morwynna I
- Lucas d'Avignon on 21 June 2003 from King Cornelius I and Queen Morwynna I
- Guilliaume Lavet on 20 September 2003 from King Alaric and Queen Nerissa
- House Altdorfer on 6 October 2003 from King Alaric and Queen Nerissa
- Peregrine Flamstead on 7 February 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Villiame Bryson of Argyle on 6 March 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Griffin Westcastle on 11 April 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Morgan Daethwald on 11 April 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Danyon de Troyes on 11 April 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Ulf von Drayke on 11 April 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Thomas Bacchus on 11 April 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Aia on 11 April 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Angus MacDougall of Mordenvale on 11 April 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Edmund Alekonner on 8 May 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Corin Anderson on 12 June 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Reinhard Hauser von Burgdof on 19 June 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Lorcan of River Haven on 23 October 2004 from King Draco I and Queen Serena I
- Tycho Julsø on 30 October 2004 from King Draco I and Queen Serena I
- Felix Arnett von Danzig on 4 December 2004 from King Draco I and Queen Serena I
- Kinggiyadai Orlok on 12 December 2004 from King Draco I and Queen Serena I
- Wystan of Wallesende on 9 January 2005 from King Stephen and Queen Mathilde
- William fitz Symon on 26 February 2005 from King Stephen and Queen Mathilde
- Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands on 27 March 2005 from King Stephen and Queen Mathilde
- Mynjon du Jardin on 7 May 2005 from King Stephen and Queen Mathilde
- Fergus MacCarthaig on 15 October 2005 from King Cornelius II and Queen Morwynna II
- Wolfgang Adolphus Jäger on 13 November 2005 from King Cornelius II and Queen Morwynna II
- Leifr Hrólfsson on 4 February 2006 from King Ædward II and Queen Yolande II
- Benedict von Griffswald on 17 June 2006 from King Ædward II and Queen Yolande II
- Hrothgar aet Gytingbroce on 25 June 2006 from King Ædward II and Queen Yolande II
- André de Montségur on 9 September 2006 from King Draco II and Queen Asa II
- Miles de Colwell on 4 November 2006 from King Draco II and Queen Asa II
- Francis Marvell on 12 May 2007 from King Alfar II and Queen Gudrun II
- Philip de Ravenshagh on 2 June 2007 from King Alfar II and Queen Gudrun II
- Þorgrímr inn snjalli on 10 June 2007 from King Alfar II and Queen Gudrun II
- Geldric of the Turnips on 16 June 2007 from King Alfar II and Queen Gudrun II
- Angus de Sommerville on 8 July 2007 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Eirikr the Eager on 25 August 2007 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Padraig Fermoy on 25 August 2007 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Eva von Danzig on 24 November 2007 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Arnfinnr Ákason on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Henri de Montferrant on 7 June 2008 from King Berenger and Queen Bethan
- Wulfgar jarnsiða on 16 May 2009 from King Theuderic I and Queen Engelin I
- Yamamoto Kenjiro Yoshimitsu on 8 June 2009 from King Theuderic I and Queen Engelin I
- Collette de Harecourt on 18 October 2009 from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Hugh de Calais on 12 December 2009 from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Orri Vígleiksson on 19 June 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Ellie Annasdottir on 26 June 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Diego Alonso Moreno on 4 February 2011 from King Gabriel II and Queen Constanzia II
- Selfran the Singer on 24 April 2011 from King Gabriel II and Queen Constanzia II
- Jǫtun-Þjóðrekr on 14 May 2011 from King Gabriel II and Queen Constanzia II
- Yevan de Leeds on 22 May 2011 from King Gabriel II and Queen Constanzia II
- Prospero ab Aqua on 6 June 2011 from King Gabriel II and Queen Constanzia II
- Stigh Joghensson on 17 July 2011 from King Cornelius III and Queen Elizabeth
- David de Darlington on 24 March 2012 from King Siridean II and Queen Margie
- Álfgeirr Agnarsson on 9 April 2012 from King Siridean II and Queen Margie
- Niáll inn Orkneyski on 9 April 2012 from King Siridean II and Queen Margie
- Christian Ramierez on 9 April 2012 from King Siridean II and Queen Margie
- Ellie Annasdottir on 12 May 2012 from King Siridean II and Queen Margie
- Jǫtun-Þjóðrekr on 12 May 2012 from King Siridean II and Queen Margie
- Vitale Michael Giustiniani on 12 May 2012 from King Siridean II and Queen Margie
- Gabriel de Beaumont on 10 June 2012 from King Siridean II and Queen Margie
- Alfar of Attica on 24 August 2013 from King Niáll I and Queen Liadan I
- Ariston Hegelochou on 11 January 2014 from King Alfar III and Queen Angharat
- Alain Quartier on 8 June 2014 from King Alfar III and Queen Angharat
- Thorgill of Oxford on 8 June 2014 from King Alfar III and Queen Angharat
- Hanbal al-Barbari on 9 August 2014 from King Niáll II and Queen Liadan II
- Leonhart Hunt on 6 December 2014 from King Niáll II and Queen Liadan II
- Theodulfus Vindocladius Audax on 14 March 2015 from King Kinggiyadai I and Queen Altani I
- Timothy of Newton on 30 August 2015 from King Steffan I and Queen Branwen I
- Engelin Teufel on 14 November 2015 from King Steffan I and Queen Branwen I
- Simon Malory on 12 December 2015 from King Steffan I and Queen Branwen I
- Hanns Bogsdorffer on 8 May 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Titus Flavius Marcellus on 17 June 2017 from King Ariston and Queen Lilavati
- Fagan of Innilgard on 9 September 2017 from King Steffan II and Queen Branwen II
- Valerian the Red on 10 September 2017 from King Steffan II and Queen Branwen II
- Joab Cohen on 11 November 2017 from King Steffan II and Queen Branwen II
- Safiyya Fiore da Rabatta on 2 December 2017 from King Steffan II and Queen Branwen II
- Hjortetakk Gorgonites on 1 September 2018 from King Kinggiyadai II and Queen Altani II
- Aelfgar of the South on 10 November 2018 from King Kinggiyadai II and Queen Altani II
- Euphemia di Niccolo Ziani on 2 December 2018 from King Kinggiyadai II and Queen Altani II
- Bernard Stirling on 12 May 2019 from King Felix II and Queen Eva II
- Lannekin Eld Wolf on 9 June 2019 from King Felix II and Queen Eva II
- Rufus Adycote of Mynheniot on 10 August 2019 from King Niáll III and Queen Sabine I
- Roman Walerian on 7 December 2019 from King Niáll III and Queen Sabine I
- Semeon Aleksandrovich Dragon on 5 December 2020 from King Theuderic II and Queen Engelin II
- Jean-Christophe le Saussier on 8 August 2021 from King Oze and Queen Miriam
- János Soldonar on 17 April 2022 from King Leofric and Queen Sabine II
- Maelgwn ap Merlin on 17 April 2022 from King Leofric and Queen Sabine II
- Emma Rose Montagu on 30 April 2022 from King Leofric and Queen Sabine II
- Benedict Yorke on 25 February 2023 from King Thibault and King Jayne
- Gerard de Rhodes on 25 March 2023 from King Thibault and King Jayne
- Mýrún katla on 18 February 2024 from King Aonghus and Queen Ginevra