- mundane location: South Australia and the Northern Territory
- website:
- was a shire in Lochac from 1 April 1983 to 21 June 1986
- barony in Lochac since 21 June 1986
Innilgard Order of Precedence
- 21. Mari Alexander (Duchy + 44)
- 31. Felix Arnett von Danzig (Duchy + 18)
- 32. Eva von Danzig (Duchy + 25)
- 67. Lilavati of Lochac (County + 8)
- 73. Thibault Nesti de Danzig (County + 6)
- 91. Haos Windchaser (Visc + 18)
- 92. Bryony Beehyrd (Visc + 13)
- 97. Gerald Swinford (Visc + 4)
- 98. Alisaundre de Kilmaron (Visc + 5)
- 99. Aylwin Greymane (Visc + 16)
- 100. Ingerith Ryzka (Visc + 13)
- 109. Lucrezia Lorenz (Visc + 12)
- 128. Jean le Montebank (OL + 3)
- 142. Myfanwy ferch Dafydd (OL + 4)
- 143. Aislinn de Valence (OP + 10)
- 146. Tovye Woolmongere (OP + 9)
- 151. Hassan ibn Ysau (OL + 4)
- 156. Esla of Ifeld (OL + 8)
- 194. Osgot of Corfe (OP + 7)
- 216. Pietro del Toro Rosso (OP + 4)
- 238. Martin the Terrible (OP + 5)
- 266. Leofwynn Wulfinga (OL + 5)
- 325. Yevan de Leeds (OP + 12)
- 345. Elena le Breustere (OL + 6)
- 353. William Forester de Blacwode (OL + 12)
- 354. Collette de Harecourt (OP + 12)
- 360. Ursula Von Memmingen (OL + 5)
- 368. Clement von Arlon (OC + 10)
- 378. Ant Blowme of Saint Cloud (OP + 9)
- 384. Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye (OoD + 13)
- 412. Fionnabhair inghean ui Mheadhra (OP + 14)
- 423. Edine Godin (OP + 8)
- 436. Aeschine of Arran (OP + 8)
- 447. Federyc de Herle (OL + 7)
- 461. Tristan (OC + 6)
- 462. Dietrich Lehrer (OoD + 9)
- 511. Katerina da Brescia (GA + 6)
- 517. Annys Blodwell (GA + 8)
- 529. Merewyn atte Becehurst (OCt + 2)
- 558. Kit Hackforth (ORW + 5)
- 566. Linet atte Falcons Nest (OSP + 7)
- 567. Sorcha le Breton (OSP + 5)
- 578. Finnbjǫrn Skeggason (ORW + 8)
- 597. Faelan mac Flainn (OCt + 8)
- 609. Cullan of Innilgard (OSP + 5)
- 619. Timothy of Newton (ORW + 8)
- 644. Marguaritte de Valenssa (OSP + 4)
- 645. Ulrich of Innilgard (OSP + 6)
- 658. Geoffrey Jeffries (CB + 4)
- 677. Dai Bach (CB + 5)
- 678. Alycie of Stirling (CB + 4)
- 705. Hugh de Beaufort (CB + 6)
- 736. Torgon Yuand (OLM + 1)
- 742. Lilian Guy of Swanton (ORL + 3)
- 743. Robert of Starmount (OLM + 2)
- 748. Dana of the Green (OLM + 6)
- 750. Hamish MacTalla (ORL + 1)
- 764. Bohdan Nepran (OLM + 3)
- 786. Aramanth de Warrene (ORL + 2)
- 803. Ian the Upstanding (OLM + 2)
- 812. Averil Silverthorn (LOG + 1)
- 828. Alev Hübesep (ORL + 2)
- 834. Eric Alard (OLM + 4)
- 835. Dougal of Landewednak (OLM + 4)
- 855. Ysmay de la Mor (OLM + 3)
- 865. Gráinne of Starmount (OLM + 3)
- 893. Bella Lucia da Verona (ORL + 1)
- 908. Aldwin Seguin (OGT + 2)
- 909. Athala Mercedes de Lioncourt (GL + 1)
- 938. Toirdhealbhach Ó Corráin (OGT + 1)
- 967. Robert of Strathconnan (OGT + 2)
- 971. Dragon Demonskyi (OGS + 3)
- 1043. Gabriel Ziegler (ORa + 3)
- 1106. Fagan of Innilgard (OGS + 6)
- 1136. Magdalena di Colle Santa Lucia (GL + 3)
- 1159. Appel von Nuremberg (GL + 4)
- 1160. Amos Ironbeard (OGT + 2)
- 1187. Emoni Wintl (OGT + 1)
- 1188. Ethan Drake (OGT + 3)
- 1189. Tobias Chester (OGT + 2)
- 1202. Zofia Varsoviensis (ORa + 7)
- 1203. Odette de la Rive (ORa + 3)
- 1204. Sebastian Sarazin (ORa + 2)
- 1215. Valerian the Red (OGT + 2)
- 1243. Eleanor Terrington (OGT + 2)
- 1244. Angharad Gam (GL + 2)
- 1264. Kaczna of Bohemia (OGT + 5)
- 1282. Euphemia di Niccolo Ziani (ORa + 3)
- 1284. Mariota Blackwood (OGT + 4)
- 1285. Ollivier Le Floch (OGT + 1)
- 1286. Curie Estelle (OGT + 3)
- 1309. Siegfried von Cleve (OGS + 2)
- 1323. Ulfviðr náttfari Hrafnsson (OGS + 2)
- 1340. Oechine o Ran (OGT + 2)
- 1377. Susan of the Black Forest (AA)
- 1412. Bardolph Dragontower (AA + 1)
- 1414. Stephen of Irongate (AA + 1)
- 1423. Tako Jiro (AA)
- 1436. Aderyn de Reynaud-Daumeray (AA)
- 1444. Angas MacTalla MacLuin (AA)
- 1447. Lachlan Tadhg (AA + 1)
- 1448. Alarice of Inverness (AA + 1)
- 1458. Alycia of Blessed Herman (AA)
- 1461. Maeva Torfadottir (AA + 1)
- 1462. Jorund aux Méduse (AA)
- 1471. Jane Ascham (AA + 2)
- 1483. Margaret of Swadlincote (AA + 1)
- 1484. Dubhghlas Mac Ailean (AA)
- 1485. Isobel of Silvermere (AA)
- 1488. Margaret de Trobrigge (AA + 2)
- 1511. Aurboda (AA)
- 1512. Ernest Baker (AA)
- 1513. Martin de Bayeux (AA)
- 1514. Ríonach O'Melaghlin (AA)
- 1526. Iame de Estwode (AA + 1)
- 1527. Katharine of Wotton-under-Edge (AA)
- 1535. Robert Furness of Southwood (AA)
- 1551. Elisabeth Courtenay (AA)
- 1552. Kenelm de la Dale (AA)
- 1568. Sanchia de la Tourre (AA)
- 1583. James Ericsson (AA + 1)
- 1589. Erinn Ailinna Inion Llewellyn O'Meath (AA)
- 1590. Guimora Peverel of Scopasheall (AA)
- 1591. Ziyadah ibnata Zahara (AA)
- 1592. Ariel an Darrach (AA + 1)
- 1600. Austyn of Forrestgate (AA)
- 1601. Bartholomew Ratcliffe (AA)
- 1619. Robin of Robins (AA + 1)
- 1620. Emryn ap Llywellin (AA)
- 1638. Janeta of Lindisfarne (AA + 1)
- 1700. Alfred Arrowsmith (AA)
- 1721. Silvie de Rohan (AA + 1)
- 1737. Pol Potigier (AA)
- 1753. Aliénor de Charolais (AA)
- 1754. Bruinneach nic Thighearnain (AA)
- 1755. Edward the Unshaven (AA)
- 1756. Slaine the Silent (AA)
- 1757. Steven Rosenwolf (AA)
- 1761. Tancred the Unruly (AA)
- 1766. Matilda of Lyonesse (AA)
- 1818. Leonhardt von Saxenburg (AA + 3)
- 1821. Kateryn Lanark (AA)
- 1822. Learbhean ni Sheighin (AA)
- 1823. Michiline de Lyons (AA)
- 1824. Rioghnach inghean Aireachtaigh (AA)
- 1834. Brand Regenald (AA)
- 1835. Finnechias the Hesitant (AA)
- 1836. Ciaran Bran (AA)
- 1837. Morrigan Scathach (AA)
- 1872. Adeline Amery (AA)
- 1874. Francesca Lucia Sammicheli (AA)
- 1901. Aiofe ní Medb (AA + 1)
- 1902. Tanya of Shoreham (AA)
- 1903. Tomas del Valle de Bravo (AA)
- 1942. Diego Alvares (AA)
- 1943. Douglas Hathaway (AA)
- 1944. Gruffydd ab Ieuan ab Cynan (AA)
- 1945. Gwenhwyvar of Abergavenny (AA)
- 1946. Miguel (AA)
- 1947. Osbert of Tewkesbury (AA)
- 1991. Cainnear Rúad (AA + 1)
- 1992. Beatrice of Hamtunscir (AA)
- 1993. Eleanor de Valence (AA)
- 1994. Raichbhe Walkman (AA)
- 2006. Michael de Biggleswade (AA + 1)
- 2007. Michael of Blessed Herman (AA)
- 2019. Lothario de Stein (AA)
- 2027. Dafydd Wallraven (AA)
- 2028. James of Blessed Herman (AA)
- 2029. Laufey rauðrefr (AA)
- 2030. Liselle of Wolf Glen (AA)
- 2032. Pedro Fernandez (AA)
- 2099. Adrienne of Innilgard (AA)
- 2100. Yasmine of Blessed Herman (AA)
- 2129. Tostig atte Scelga (AA + 1)
- 2130. Adelin Siwella (AA)
- 2131. Aongas Declan McIlraith (AA)
- 2132. Clovis aus Tirol (AA)
- 2133. Dafydd Llantrisant (AA)
- 2134. Leigh Sanson (AA)
- 2135. Makuro Hana (AA)
- 2136. Marc de Montfault (AA)
- 2137. Marten the Unseen (AA)
- 2138. Oddr Mattadaisson (AA)
- 2139. Stephen of Blessed Herman (AA)
- 2185. Christopher of Innilgard (AA + 1)
- 2186. Katy of Innilgard (AA + 1)
- 2187. Bonnie of Blessed Herman (AA)
- 2188. Luca (AA)
- 2189. Magdalena di Franco (AA)
- 2190. Ruth of Blessed Herman (AA)
- 2191. Sean McCarrum (AA)
- 2226. Beatris la Serena (AA + 1)
- 2297. Letitia de Harfleur (AA + 1)
- 2298. Crystal of Innilgard (AA)
- 2299. Dalamar of Innilgard (AA)
- 2300. Katerina the Shrew (AA)
- 2301. Matilda de Romilly (AA)
- 2302. Sabine of Innilgard (AA)
- 2303. Fionghuine Mac Coinnich (AA)
- 2361. Mordred Greymuzzle (AA)
- 2393. Lambequin Destrier (AA)
- 2396. Fiora of Stowe (AA)
- 2428. Kyle of Hellmore Loch (AA)
- 2476. Garshta Rarsynkni (AA)
- 2571. Cassandra of the Cheviot Hills (AA)
- 2572. Chinua Dei (AA)
- 2573. Iseldis of Winchester (AA)
- 2574. Laila al Nadiyah (AA)
- 2633. Devora Aus Aschaffenburg (AA)
- 2634. Scott de Gloucester (AA)
- 2635. Seamus O'Seamuis (AA + 1)
- 2673. Vladislav Cel Negru (AA + 1)
- 2674. Eleanor de Castleton (AA)
- 2675. Elizabeth Piper of Oddington (AA)
- 2676. Magnus the Falconer (AA)
- 2709. Andrei Nevsky (AA)
- 2729. Olaf Gunnarson (AA)
- 2786. Seraphina of Innilgard (AA)
- 2865. Brand Oakwood (AA)
- 2866. Dominico Fernando de Pontferrada (AA)
- 2867. Elric Leifsson (AA + 1)
- 2962. Magnus Valdemarsson (AA + 1)
- 2963. Fálki óþveginn (AA)
- 2964. Ryan of Innilgard (AA)
- 2965. Tatjana of Innilgard (AA)
- 2977. Anora of Blessed Herman (AA)
- 2978. Emery de Llanruthin (AA)
- 2986. Sefa Evasdottir (AA + 4)
- 3034. Melodia de la Fountaine (AA + 1)
- 3035. Steffan Kilianus (AA + 1)
- 3036. Astrid of Innilgard (AA)
- 3059. Khanh of Innilgard (AA + 1)
- 3060. Sarah le Breustere (AA + 2)
- 3082. Caoimhe Reamhar (AA)
- 3083. Erica of Innilgard (AA)
- 3084. Law Androson (AA)
- 3085. Valentine Strangeways (AA)
- 3104. Alethea Gaye Kingseleye (AA + 1)
- 3105. Ysabeau Sanguin (AA)
- 3148. Cecily of Charnwood (AA)
- 3152. Genevieve Blackwolfe (AA)
- 3155. Hope of Innilgard (AA)
- 3183. Beatrijs van Doorn (AA + 2)
- 3202. Griffid Kyte (AA + 1)
- 3203. Ellyce Porter (AA)
- 3204. Wilhelm Tregar (AA)
- 3206. Ari Egillsdottir (AA + 3)
- 3228. Elizabeth Whitewood (AA + 1)
- 3229. Æsa draumspakr (AA + 2)
- 3230. Kazimier Sklyarovich (AA + 1)
- 3231. Mathias Feuerbach (AA + 2)
- 3232. Ceil of Blessed Herman (AA)
- 3242. Melissa of Innilgard (AA + 2)
- 3243. Griffin Blackwood (AA)
- 3245. Wahriia of Saint Christina the Astonishing (AA)
- 3253. Adelina of Innilgard (AA + 1)
- 3256. Ysabelle (AA + 1)
- 3285. Brick Walle (AA + 1)
- 3286. Ester Corbett (AA)
- 3332. Oliver Hawkins (AA)
- 3343. Lore Lei Martins (AA)
- 3344. Aífe ingen Cathail (AA)
- 3345. Cadell Fletcher (AA)
- 3346. Janek the Innocent Varsoviensis (AA)
- 3347. Nest Brenhowel (AA)
- 3348. Razin al-Basir ibn Ja'far ibn Ma'bad (AA)
- 3349. Reade ap Sian (AA)
- 3350. Sensenco of Innilgard (AA)
- 3351. Alfeiðr Dómhildardóttir (AA)
- 3352. Reuben of Blessed Herman (AA)
- 3373. Griff Windchaser (MG)
- 3376. Tom Windchaser (MG)
- 3426. Sandro of Aragon (MG)
- 3434. House Faulkenburg (OPL)
- 3547. Cali le Breustere (RC)
- 3577. Genevieve of Innilgard (GGuard)
- 3578. Imogen of Innilgard (GGuard)
- 3600. Yon de Yonnstone (RC)
- 3627. Kyrel of Lochac (MG)
- 3640. House Danzig (OPL)
- 3657. Cara (WC)